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Fast approaching deadline making you nervous? You can breathe a little easier; there is still time to produce spectacular work. Online community sponsorships services are available for EXPRESS delivery. 48-hour turnaround? 24 hours? Same day? No problem. But hurry the clock is ticking...

Community sponsorships


Start your campaign EXPRESS community sponsorships at a glance

Right now, somewhere on the Internet, a group of people is sharing information about your product/service category in an effort to find solutions to their problems. In another group, members are sharing their enthusiasm about hobbies, sports, and other topics of interest...

Fabulous opportunities exist for companies looking to attract high-quality leads by promoting their offerings in the right online communities. As community members exchange ideas, share opinions, or discuss solutions, advertisers can include their message as part of the flow of information. Your promotional program becomes an integral part of the online community.

Highly-targeted opportunities offers you access to thousands of online communities around the World to help you deliver your message at the right place, at the right time and to the right prospects.
Cost-effective marketing solutions
Online community sponsorships offer some of the lowest CPMs on the Internet. Plus, development costs are often limited to banner development and ad copy writing.
Non-intrusive promotional tool
A key aspect of's community sponsorships is that your message will not disrupt the exchange of information among community members. Your messages, banners, buttons become part of the information flow, part of the community.
Rigorous performance tracking will track results and analyze trends in real-time to optimize your promotional campaign's results as the campaign is executed. This means your results are getting better and better and better...

Start your campaign

Online community sponsorships :: Introduction | Start your campaign

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