Saving the
careers of advertising and marketing
professionals every day. EXPRESS is
part of the advancis® advertising Group, a network of traditional
advertising / interactive agencies serving North America, South
America, Europe and Asia. EXPRESS was created with one purpose in mind:
deliver spectacular work in record time. Every day, marketing
and advertising professionals are faced with situations that
call for extraordinary measures just to make a fast-approaching
deadline. Last minute projects, uncomfortably tight deadlines,
senior management's surprise changes to a campaign right before
it is scheduled for launch, emerging opportunities, all are becoming
too familiar in today's fast-paced economy. Consumers and business
customers want it all and right away. Advertisers and marketers
end up feeling the pressure.
Traditional agencies are limited by their organizational structure
in these type of situations. Too often, fast execution means
lower work quality and inflexible processes.
So, when the nearly impossible
is the last option, EXPRESS delivers. 48-hour
turnaround? 24 hours? Same day delivery. No problem. We serve
all countries, work with all media and target all sectors. EXPRESS | A
new kind of agency for generation "NOW".
Company information
| Traditional agency network
Marketing professionals interested
in strengthening their online presence are invited to visit the
other advancis web sites:
- Smart Internet Solutions to transform your site into a powerful
communications and business tool and eCenter
- a portal for marketing executives serious about doing business
on the Internet.