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Fast approaching deadline making you nervous? You can breathe a little easier; there is still time to produce spectacular work. Online newsletter sponsorships services are available for EXPRESS delivery. 48-hour turnaround? 24 hours? Same day? No problem. But hurry the clock is ticking...

Newsletter sponsorships


Start your campaign EXPRESS newsletter sponsorships at a glance

Should you pay attention to online newsletters? Your audience is. Today, every other site offers its visitors newsletters that cover every topic/product category imaginable. Chances are you have subscribed to and receive a few newsletters yourself. While eNewsletters are a superb marketing tool for the sites that publish them, they also represent a great advertising vehicle for marketers.

By placing banners or text messages in targeted newsletters, advertisers can take advantage of the recipients' eagerness to read the latest news, articles, tips from sources they rely on to satisfy their needs and wants. This means that your message gets optimal exposure. Optimal response rate depends on a solid strategy.

Highly-targeted opportunities offers access to a wide selection of first-class newsletters (400+) to help you deliver your message to the right prospects while ensuring that your brand's image is not tarnished by the practices of questionable publishers. No spam; no obscure sources; no unreliable sites.
Cost-effective marketing solutions
Newsletters offer some of the lowest CPMs on the Internet. Plus, development costs are often limited to ad copy writing.
Fast turn-around
In a day, your message could reach hundreds of thousands or even millions of subscribers. Responses are almost instantaneous.

Start your campaign

Newsletter sponsorships :: Introduction | Start your campaign

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